Andrologues, urologues, neurologues, sexologues, neuro-urologues, frein du penis et circoncision.

Qui dit vrai?

 Les conséquences de la section complète et nette du frein du prepuce et son artère
sur la sexualité masculine.

Neuro-urologue? Quelle est cette nouvelle dicipline? On avait deja des urologues des andrologues des neurologues et des sexologues. Et bien maintenant on a en plus des neuro-urologues.

Une version avec frames de ce site existe. Elle est plus riche en informations dans son contenu. Pour qui veut cliquez su GO. andrologue,urologue sexologue
Docteurs, à qui se vouer quand personne ne dit la même chose?
A vous andrologues, urologes, neurologues, sexologues, je pose la question suivante :

Qu'elles sont les conséquences de la section complète et nette du frein du pénis ou frein du prépuce et de son artère sur la sexualité masculine
au niveau :

1 ) des sensations tactiles (sensibilité)
2) de l'excitation?
3) de l'érection?
4) de l'orgasme?

Le Corps Médical Français est il au courant des articles suivants parus dans le British Journal off Urologie et qu'en pense t'il ?

Merci pour votre éventuelle réponse.

Ci-dessous les différentes réponses et articles contradictoires concernant le sujet. Que penser ?

Les uns disent:
" Le frein du prepuce est le repli de peau situé à la partie inférieure du gland, et n'a aucune utilité particulière. Quand il est trop court, il peut entraîner une légère bascule du gland vers le bas lors de l'érection et une douleur: on parle alors de briéveté du frein. Parfois, un frein court peut se déchirer spontanément lors d'une érection, et entraîner un saignement. Cela n'a aucune importance et peut même régler le problème. "

Les autres disent:
" Frenulum. The prepuce is usually tethered at the bottom by the frenulum. The frenulum's function is to provide pleasure by stretching during sexual intercourse. In fact, the frenulum is coloquially known as the "sex nerve" in France and perhaps throughout Europe.By destroying this stretching action, circumcision completely destroys this fundamental means of sexual pleasure in the human male. "

Et d'autres encore:
" Seul le second article correspond à un article du BJU, journal d'urologie britannique de référence. Mais  il n' y a pas de "reconnaissance"  particulière à avoir, ou à ne pas avoir, de la part d'un organisme ou d'un autre. Ce sont des publications scientifiques,  et c'est tout. 
Le frein du prepuce n'a aucune utilité, et sa section n'a aucune conséquence néfaste.

Et d'autres encore:
" The FRENULUM--the very sensitive "V" shaped web-like tethering structure on the underside of the glans--is designed to assist in retracting and recovering the glans. It is composed of densely innervated tissue and is an essential component of sexual stimulation. Frequently amputated or severed along with the foreskin, both its function and potential for pleasure are destroyed. "

Et d'autres encore:
" Jusque là, pour ma part, je considère qu'une rupture du frein du prepuce n'a pas de conséquence organique sur la sexualité masculine, ni au niveau des sensations tactiles, ni au niveau de l'excitation, ni au niveau de l'érection, ni à celui de l'orgasme. Mais je suis tout prêt à examiner d'autres informations objectives dont je n'aurais pas eu connaissance jusqu'à présent. "

Et d'autres encore:
" Le frein du pénis est un repli de la peau situé sous le gland, en arrière du méat, qui bride le prépuce. C'est une zone de sensibilité privilégiée au cours des rapports sexuels, car le décalottage du gland le met en tension. Lorsque le frein du prepuce est trop court, il peut se rompre au cours du rapport sexuel: on peut le réparer chirurgicalement et l'allonger, sans aucune conséquence pour l'érection ou/et l'éjaculation.    Le frein du prépuce est innervé par des filets nerveux sensitifs superficiels provenants de la verge. A partir des sensations enregistrées à son niveau, l'excitation sexuelle peut augmenter ainsi que le plaisir, avec comme résultat un réflexe de déclenchement de l'éjaculation. Mais le frein du prepuce ne contient aucun centre nerveux. Il existe d'ailleurs d'autres zones "sensibles": le gland, le sillon en arrière du gland, la pression sur la verge ou la prostate...
L'éjaculation met en jeu de nombreux muscles, pas seulement génitaux. Si votre sensibilité et votre excitation sont moindres, le réflexe éjaculatoire sera beaucoup moins fort avec comme résultat des contractions musculaires, elles aussi, beaucoup moins fortes - donc une éjaculation finalement sans force.
Je pense qu'il faudrait vérifier l'état actuel de votre frein du prepuce. Si la cicatrisation est de mauvaise qualité, il y a peut-être un moyen de reconstituer votre frein. En revanche, si il n'y a plus de frein il faut définitivement oublier ce très malheureux accident et vous centrer d'avantages sur les autres zones sensibles de la verge de façon à rétablir progressivement une érection et un réflexe éjaculatoire satisfaisants.

Et d'autres encore:
" The frenulum keeps the foreskin from being retracted too far and it is now believed to be the center point of the massive nerve network contained in the inner foreskin. All nerves 'report' to this point and from here the information is sent directly to the brain. In many circumcisions, the frenulum, and it's nerve network, are completely los . "

Et d'autres encore:
" CONCLUSIONS: The dorsal nerve of the penis innervates the glans, including the frenulum which is also innervated by a branch of the perineal nerve. Branches of the dorsal nerve of the penis extend through the glans ventrolaterally. Electrical representation of glanular innervation reveals the glans to be filled with nerve endings supporting its function as a sensory structure. "

Et d'autres encore:
" Si la rupture du fein du prepuce est complète, pas de problèmes.Si elle est incomplète, il y a un risque d'adhérence, de ratraction et de rupture itérative. Alors il vaut mieux opérer pour compléter la section et obtenir une bonne cicatrisation. Si le frein du prepuce est trop court et douloureux en érection, mais sans qu'il se rompe, il vaut mieux également l'opérer. Pas de conséquances sur l'excitation, l'orgasme ni l'érection. Au contraire, le frein du pprepuce qui tire ou se rompt à chaque rapport gâche la vie sexuelle à la longue. A votre disposition. "

Et d'autres encore:
" le nerf de ta vie est sectionné...tu ne t'identifie plus à un homme, mais à la perte de ta sexualité...
Bon les médecins consultés n'ont pas de solution magique, le frein du prepuce, est un faisceau qui amène les influx du gland et de la couronne et par sa fonction de traction, il est conducteur de tout ce qui touche également le prépuce.
Les bris accidentels, sont fréquents et il n'y a pas dans la littérature de tels inconvenients tel que tu amène. Je crois que l'influx est bloqué et que les sensations tu les perçoit mais un peu comme si tu était paralysé. Il n'y a pas de chirurgie pour refaire le tout malheureusement. Si l'intervention aurait été effectuée par un médecin, un urologue ou un andrologue; t'aurais pu avoir un certain recours, mais dans ce cas, c'est vraiment de la malchance.

" Et d'autres encore:
" Une déchirure du frein prepuce peut effrayer les gens (à cause du saignement) et quand la guérison ne se fait pas correctement, que la cicatrice peut rétracter le gland vers le bas.
Ca pourait donner des problèmes sur les sensations tactiles et éventuallement sur l'excitation.
Nous pratiquons régulièrement des frénulotomies et des circonsicions et nous rencontrons rarement des problèmes du genre que vous mentionnez.

Et d'autres encore:
" L'ascète se propose de vivre dans des conditions où le minimum vital est requis. Si, après quelques mois d'une vie austère, la dépendance vis à vis du sexe se fait encore sentir, la lame de l'exciseur viendra parfaire le travail. De la section des filets nerveux qui empruntent le chemin du prépuce ou du clitoris, ainsi partiellement, voire complètement dénervés, s'ensuit une excitation génésique pour le mieux diminuée et un contrôle accru de la fonction. "

Et d'autres encore:
" A la base du pénis, la sensibilité de la peau est assurée par le nerf ilio-inguinal (L1) ou parfois par une branche génitale du nerf génitofémoral (L1, L2) voire par un rameau superficiel du nerf périnéal, autre branche terminale du nerf honteux interne. Il existe des variations anatomiques et l'innervation de la zone proche du raphé à la face ventrale du pénis et celle du frein peuvent se faire par l'intermédiaire du nerf périnéal seul ou en association avec le nerf dorsal. "

Et d'autres encore:
" La circoncision n'a rien à voir avec votre problème. Quant au site que vous indiquez, je l'ai visité: c'est un mélange mal maitrisé de données anatomiques assez exactes et de fantasmes pseudo- physiologiques pour "prouver" que la circoncision est une mutilation sexuelle. Ce n'est pas très sérieux. ll vaut mieux aller chercher dans le Medline. "

Et d'autres encore:
" Faites attention à ne pas confondre circoncision et rupture du frein du prepuce, ou même section "thérapeutique" du frein. Tout à fait d'accord avec le fait que la circoncision peut modifier la sensibilité du gland mais je continue de penser que, dans la très grande majorité des cas, une rupture accidentelle du frein du prepuce n'a plus de conséquences, une fois passées les quelques semaines nécessaires à sa cicatrisation, et ce, bien sûr, sauf si cicatrisation vicieuse. "

Et d'autres encore:
" The frenulum is often completely sliced off during "infant circumcision". The frenulum is one of the primary neurological triggers for ejaculation and orgasm. With no protective and lubricating cover, the glans becomes insensitive and this process of desensitization of course begins when the tightly attached foreskin is violently torn from the baby's glans: this is known to scar and damage the surface of the glans. In time, the sensitivity of the glans is gone, and this occurs generally in the early to mid 40's. Men cut up at birth then become in their 40's sexual cripples: often with no frenulum and no sensitivity of the glans, they have great trouble reaching orgasm and ejaculation.Frustration and humiliation (if one knows the awful truth and facts about "infant circumcision") are the direct results from the surgery. "

Et d'autres encore:
" La plupart des sexologues et des responsables de l'information sont des circoncis; ils empêchent tout débat autour de la circoncision masculine. "

Et d'autres encore:
" Bien sur, je peux vous comprendre. Vous lisez trop. Les articles que vous me transmettez sont écrits par des militants anti circoncision. Mais croyez vous que des millions de juifs et de musulmans se feraient circoncir s'ils risquaient de devenir impuissants. Ca se saurait. Prenez le temps de venir me voir, je pourrai vous expliquer ce qu'il en est et, je l'espère, vous aider. "

Et d'autres encore:
" THE REMOVAL OF THIS EROGENOUS TISSUES IS OF THE DOCTOR'S OWN PERSONAL CIRCUMCISION PROCEDURE, AND PREFERENCE! No one has said that the frenulum causes any potential problems yet millions of men have had both their foreskin and frenulum removed. During a circumcision the frenulum can be left virtually intact--some men have had doctors who have left them with a little piece of their frenulum, some with just trace remnants of the frenulum and in a great many cases with no frenulum at all. The frenulum has been described as the Male G-spot as it is saturated with nerve endings. Various women's magazines have pointed out to their readers that the frenulum is a very sensitive area on the male penis, most have not noted that the circumcised penis has just trace remnants of the frenulum, or no frenulum at all. In just a few seconds, dependent upon the doctor, this functional and sensitive tissue is excised (cut-off). "

Et d'autres encore:
" Circumcised men do not know what they are missing. They believe that the sexual sensitivity they have without a foreskin is "normal". (Similarly, a woman born in Somalia who had been subjected to a severe form of female circumcision insisted that it had no impact"). It's the same thing. There is nothing different about my sexuality.") (1) According to one man who was circumcised as an adult, sex without a foreskin is like sight without color. Those who have not seen in color cannot appreciate what is lost.
"Those who have feelings about their circumcision are generally afraid to express them because their feelings may be dismissed or ridiculed.

Et d'autres encore :
" Circumcision : The operation removes a huge number of sensitive nerve endings, removes sexual sensation, sometimes damages the underlying penis structures, and is exquisitely painful. And it's done to children in religious ceremonies with no anaesthetic, with them held struggling to be brave, in public forums.If you have to be circumcised, or if you choose to be circumcised, then ensure that the surgeon does not remove your frenulum. Be very specific when you sign the consent form, for removal of the frenulum will cripple your sex life. And if you are a circumcised man with no frenulum, then you have a possible negligence case against your surgeon. "

Et d'autres encore :
" The bodily injury caused to that organ is exactly that which is desired; it does not interrupt any vital function, nor does it destroy the power of generation. Circumcision simply counteracts excessive lust; for there is no doubt that circumcision weakens the power of sexual excitement, and sometimes lessens the natural enjoyment; the organ necessarily becomes weak when it loses blood and is deprived of its covering from the beginning "

Et d'autres encore :
" Les médecins 
Il s'agit d'une corporation qui est très difficile à affronter. Les participants avaient peu confiance en eux: un médecin tire profit de l'opération de la circoncision et on ne peut lui demander de couper la branche sur laquelle il est assis. L'opération de la circoncision et le commerce du prépuce (utilisé pour les grands brûlés), constituent un marché juteux aux États-Unis d'un à deux milliards de dollars par année. Malgré cela, certains médecins se sont convertis et sont devenus des opposants à la circoncision.

Et d'autres encore :
" La reponse est multiple
la déchirure du frein du prepuce est banale et fréquente
si elle a été tres importante et a laissé une cicatrice profonde , telle que toute cicatrice elle peut laisser une zone insensible ou au contraire électrique
Ceci dit il n'est pas rare que de fixation anxieuses s'établissent sur des problemes de ce type chez les sujets perfectionnistes ou anxieux.
Beaucoup de sottises, quelques vérités, mais la majorité est d'accord pour dire que peu important et dépend de l'importance qu'on lui accorde, et de l'importance de l'éventuelle lésion.

Et d'autres encore :
" Le fil conducteur des sensations est coupé et que pas un micro chirurgien n'a encore osé se lancer dans une réparation chirurgicale de la section du nerf du frein, du nerf du plaisir et du nerf de l'entretien automatique des érections. "

Et d'autres encore :
" Monsieur,
le retentissement d'une rupture du frein du prepuce, dépend et de l'importance des lésions organiques lors de la rupture, et du contexte psychologique du patient.
Un examen local des séquelles, associé à un interrogatoire complet, est le seul garant d'un diagnostic, et d'une orientation thérapeutique correctes. Aussi je vous conseille une consultation avec un andrologue ou un urologue, afin de répondre au mieux à vos questions .

Et d'autres encore :
" Le Dr P Xxxxx de xxxxville. Il vous expliquera bien mieux que moi et même que vous que le frein du prepuce est au pénis ce que le soufflet est au feu. Il aide à entretenir et stimuler l'érection comme l'air ravive et alimente le feu. Sans le soufflet, le feu s'éteint, faiblit au point qu'il n'y a pas de foyer conjugal véritablement brûlant, bref pas de mariage valable. Sans les sensations du frein l'érection s'estompe. La verge débande. "

Et d'autres encore :
" La verite est probablement entre les deux come d habitude. A bientot. "

Et ce que moi j'en dit :
" A 17 ans j'avais des érections splendides et une jouissance intense, plus que satisfaisante. A 17 ans et quelques jours j'ai eu le frein du prepuce sectionné.
Depuis, j'ai au niveau physique (dans l'ordre) : 
- le gland moins gorgé de sang, 
- une insenssibilité du gland et de sa couronne (moins de sensations remontant au cerveau), 
- d'ou une exabilité physique moindre,
- des érections beaucoup moins rigides,
- une difficulté à maintenir les érections, (elles ne tiennent plus) 
- plus de phase de plateau,
- une perte du caractère explosif de l'éjaculat, 
- quasiment plus d'orgasme,
Il est clair que ces phénomènes induisent des effets psychologiques, ces derniers venant à leur tour accentuer les problèmes d'origine physique.

Et ce que lui en dit :
" Il m'est arrivé le même  problème, et je suis d'accord avec toi en ce qui concerne la perte en qualité  de l'érection. J'ai eu la mauvaise idée  de suivre les conseils d'un andrologue / chirurgien, ce qui a empire les choses. Si tu as des réponses  à tes questions, ça serait sympa de me tenir au courant. La rupture du frein n'a rien d'exceptionnel en soi mais les médecins  semblent incompétent  a soigner ce problème, ou même  admettre qu'il s'agit d'un problème. "

1) Extrait de :
L'enseignement d'un guide par Samten Ling-pa

11.1 FREUD AVAIT RAISON, LA SEXUALITE EST UN PROBLEME CENTRAL -" La force qui vous a donné la vie, nous en avons parlé, est très grande. Toutes les visions qui apparaissent après la mort ont une connotation sexuelle. Même chez des personnes apparemment évoluées, les hallucinations érotiques sont légions. L'iconographie religieuse d'origine les représentait crûment; c'est ainsi qu'on voyait des sexes énormes, du sperme coulant à flot, des vagins béants et des masturbations à la chaîne. Ces représentations sont encore visibles sur certaines Tanka tibétaines ou hindous. L'église catholique quant à elle, a expurgé des reproductions accessibles au public toute allusion au sexe pensant sans doute qu'elle seule est en mesure de comprendre. Le résultat est que personne n'est préparé à faire face à ses propres délires post mortem. Prenant le problème à bras le corps avec la vigueur qu'on leur connaît, les tantriques et, dans une moindre mesure, les juifs et les musulmans, se sont efforcés de couper à la base cette difficulté. L'ascétisme, la circoncision, l'excision font partie de l'arsenal du combattant spiritual."

11.2 L'ASCETISME OU EFFACEMENT DES FICHIERS PERTURBATEURS -" Pour que la sexualité puisse s'exprimer, l'énergie qu'elle réclame est importante et suppose une alimentation riche. Pour modifier le chemin erroné qui précipite celle-ci en une direction descendante, extérieure, perturbatrice, l'ascète se propose de vivre dans des conditions où le minimum vital est requis. Si, après quelques mois d'une vie austère, la dépendance vis à vis du sexe se fait encore sentir, la lame de l'exciseur viendra parfaire le travail. De la section des filets nerveux qui empruntent le chemin du prépuce ou du clitoris, ainsi partiellement, voire complètement dénervés, s'ensuit une excitation génésique pour le mieux diminuée et un contrôle accru de la fonction."

2) Extrait de :
The prepuce :
British Journal of Urology (1999), 83, Suppl. 1, 34-44
Departments of Pathology, Marshfield Clinic, Wisconsin, USA, and *Health Sciences Centre, University of Manitoba, Canada

"The prepuce is primary, erogenous tissue necessary for normal sexual function [8]. The complex interaction between the protopathic sensitivity of the corpuscular receptor-deficient glans penis [42] and the corpuscular receptor-rich ridged band of the male prepuce [45] is required for normal copulatory behaviour. The increased frequency of masturbation, anal intercourse and fellatio reported by circumcised men in the USA [81] may possibly be due to the sensory imbalance caused by circumcision. Clearly, amputation of the prepuce causes changes in sexual behaviour in human males [81] and females [82]."

"During circumcision, the frenular artery may also be ablated, depriving the anterior urethra of its major blood supply"

"During circumcision, most of the penile dartos muscle is removed; all that remains is a few bundles of muscle at the circumcision scar. It has been observed that the flaccid penis in circumcised males tends to hang less vertically than in those with complete anatomy. The loss of dartos muscle support may explain the difference. Certainly, the loss of most of the penile dartos muscle makes the penis less able to make positional adjustments during erection and with temperature changes."

"Therefore, the changes in circumcised male sexual behaviour [81] may be related to a central nervous system alteration by retrograde axonal degeneration, or to peripheral nervous system damage by loss of the prepuce ridged band and amputation neuroma. It is assumed that amputation neuromas also form at the female circumcision scar, although we are unaware of a formal histology study."

3) Extrait de :
The penis and foreskin: Preputial anatomy and sexual function

"Frenulum. The prepuce is usually tethered at the bottom by the frenulum. The frenulum's function is to provide pleasure by stretching during sexual intercourse. In fact, the frenulum is coloquially known as the "sex nerve" in France and perhaps throughout Europe. By destroying this stretching action, circumcision completely destroys this fundamental means of sexual pleasure in the human male.

Vascularization. As with other neurologic structures such as the brain, the tip of the prepuce is richly supplied with blood by important vascular structures. The glans penis receives blood through the frenular artery.29 The prepuce serves as a conduit for several important veins. Circumcision may contribute to erectile dysfunction by these conduits."

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is now known to be usually caused by circulatory problems. As noted above, circumcision inteferes with penile circulation by destroying several important blood vessels that provide circulation to the penis. Circumcision may also contribute to erectile dysfunction by destroying some of the erogenous sensory tissue in the prepuce that participates in the erectile response.

4) Extrait de :
British Journal of Sexual Medicine, Sept/Oct 1994
J P WARREN, FRCP Physician, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow. CM20 1QX.
J BIGELOW, PhD Psychologist, POB 52138, Pacific Grove, CA 93950

The sacrificial origin of circumcision
The origins of circumcision are lost in antiquity. Male circumcision is depicted in Egyptian tombs 5,000 years ago (1), while Gairdner refers to evidence that it has its origins long before this in prehistory up to 15,000 years ago (2). We do not know with certainty why this operation was carried out, but many writers have suggested that it was a sacrificial rite. No doubt human sacrifice was widespread, and it seems likely that substitutes for this practice included the sacrifice of domestic animals and mutilations of the human body, of which circumcision is just one example. Circumcision would usually have been carried out as an initiation ordeal at about the time of puberty, but there was a tendency for the age at which it was performed to shift earlier, so that Jewish ritual circumcision has been carried out on the eighth day of life since biblical times.

Ritual circumcision is particularly popular and widespread geographically. An important aspect of sacrifice is the shedding of blood, and circumcision is a notoriously bloody operation, and even in modern surgical conditions haemorrhage can be a problem. A rate of up to 2% is reported by Denton (3), sometimes requiring blood transfusion. Gellis (4) reported that there were more deaths in the USA from the complications of circumcision than from carcinoma of the penis. One can only guess what the mortality from haemorrhage and infections might be in primitive or ancient communities.

Another aspect of sacrifice is that the object which is forfeited should be valuable. The greater the value of the object sacrificed, the more worthy the sacrifice. This should make us wonder what are the value and function of the prepuce. If it were just a useless flap of skin, it would not be much of a sacrifice, and one might just as well shave off one's beard or cut one's toenails. Evidence will be provided below to indicate that the prepuce plays a major role in ensuring the sensitivity of the penis during sexual acts and that circumcision greatly reduces the possibilities of pleasurable sensations. This makes it an ideal sacrificial object, as the circumcised male is able to function normally in society and to procreate, but suffers permanent impairment of sexual enjoyment and bears a visible, life-long reminder of his sacrifice.

"Reasons for not circumcising
Until recently the structure and function of the prepuce have not been known. Now its important function as a major source of erogenous sensation on the penis has been recognised. Not only is the circumcised man deprived of this sensation, but also his glans becomes thickened and insensitive. The reader may be puzzled why this was not known before. Males are nearly always circumcised in childhood, and so they pass through all their sexually active years with a circumcised penis and therefore have no concept of what normal feeling is. Furthermore, men do not generally discuss their erotic experiences in great detail with one another, assuming that all share the same experiences. "

5) Extrait de :
Mutiler au nom de Yahvé ou d'Allah
Docteur en droit; diplômé en sciences politiques; collaborateur scientifique responsable du droit arabe et musulman à l'Institut suisse de droit comparé; chargé de cours à l'Institut de droit canonique de l'Université de sciences humaines, Strasbourg.

"Contrairement à la circoncision féminine, la circoncision masculine n'intéresse presque personne(10). Le débat sur cette question reste encore tabou. Cette attitude est observée dans l'article 24 alinéa 3 susmentionné de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant. Malgré sa formulation générale, les Travaux préparatoires démontrent que ses auteurs ne pensaient qu'à la circoncision féminine, et nullement à la circoncision masculine(11).

Pour le Docteur Gérard Zwang, la raison de la distinction entre ces deux types de circoncision est simple: la plupart des sexologues et des responsables de l'information sont des circoncis; ils empêchent tout débat autour de la circoncision masculine. De plus, elle provoque de nombreuses complications, comme des saignements, des infections, une réduction de la sensibilité du gland de la verge, ainsi que dans certains cas, un appauvrissement de la vie amoureuse.

Les médecins
Il s'agit d'une corporation qui est très difficile à affronter. Les participants avaient peu confiance en eux: un médecin tire profit de l'opération de la circoncision et on ne peut lui demander de couper la branche sur laquelle il est assis. L'opération de la circoncision et le commerce du prépuce (utilisé pour les grands brûlés), constituent un marché juteux aux États-Unis d'un à deux milliards de dollars par année. Malgré cela, certains médecins se sont convertis et sont devenus des opposants à la circoncision. Certains sont venus apporter leurs témoignages et plaider contre la circoncision. L'un d'eux a offert à NOCIRC le plateau sur lequel il circoncisait et nous a donné une conférence intitulée: "Leave it alone".

6) Extrait de :
The Case Against Circumcision
Paul M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, is assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of  Southern California Medical Center. He is the author of numerous scientific articles published in leading national and international medical journals. Published in Mothering: The Magazine of Natural Family Living, Winter 1997, pp. 36--45.

"Information about the foreskin itself is almost always missing from discussions about circumcision. The mass circumcision campaigns of the past few decades have resulted in pandemic ignorance about this remarkable structure and its versatile role in human sexuality. Ignorance and false information about the foreskin are the rule in American medical literature, education, and practice. Most American medical textbooks depict the human penis, without explanation, as circumcised, as if it were so by nature."

Circumcision desensitizes: Circumcision desensitizes the penis radically. Foreskin amputation means severing the rich nerve network and all the nerve receptors in the foreskin itself. Circumcision almost always damages or destroys the frenulum. The loss of the protective foreskin desensitizes the glans. Because the membrane covering the permanently externalized glans is now subjected to constant abrasion and irritation, it keratinizes, becoming dry and tough. The nerve endings in the glans, which in the intact penis are just beneath the surface of the mucous membrane, are now buried by successive layers of keratinization. The denuded glans takes on a dull, grayish, sclerotic appearance

"Circumcision harms the developing brain: Recent studies published in leading medical journals have reported that circumcision has long-lasting detrimental effects on the developing brain,36 adversely altering the brain's perception centers. Circumcised boys have a lower pain threshold than girls or intact boys.37 Developmental neuropsychologist Dr. James Prescott suggests that circumcision can cause deeper and more disturbing levels of neurological damage, as well. 38, 39"

7) Extrait de :
The psychological impact of circumcision
BJU International, Volume 83 Supplement 1, Pages 93-102, January 1, 1999
R. GOLDMAN . Circumcision Resource Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

"For example, psychological sexual and social effects have been reported in women after a mastectomy. They felt less attractive, less desirable and had less sexual satisfaction after their surgery [50,51]. Poor body image can also affect motivation and reduce feelings of competence, status and power. In addition, depression and suicidal attitudes have been noted [52,53].

When that part is wounded there is often a corresponding psychological wound to the self and a loss of self-esteem. How much of a connection there might be between low male self-esteem is uncertain. Low self-esteem often induces feelings of shame and these are projected by attacking the self-esteem of others; shame isolates us from others and from ourselves. A physical loss, like circumcision, can be a source of shame. Such feelings are often mentioned in letters from circumcised men. Because shame remains a secret most circumcised men are unlikely to report their feelings.

The link between adult circumcision, loss of sensitivity and impotence has been noted in the medical literature [55]. Since infant circumcision also decreases sexual sensitivity [54], it is likely than circumcision is an unrecognized factor in the high rates of impotence in American men and by association, is also detrimental to male psychological health. According to a randomized study of 1290 men aged 40-70 years, 52% reported some degree of impotence, ranging from minimal to complete. This rate varied from ~40% at age 40 to 67% at age 70. (A literature search yielded no comparable European study.) Higher rates of impotence were associated with increased levels of anger and depression. Self-esteem was also lower in impotent men [57,58]. The psychological response to impotence would compound any pre-existing psychological symptoms that have already been discussed.

The potential social consequences of circumcision are profound [21]. There has been no study of these issues perhaps because they are too disturbing to those in societies that do circumcise and of little interest in societies that do not. Close psychological and social examination could threaten personal, cultural and religious beliefs of circumcising societies. Consequently, circumcision has become a political issue in which the feelings of infants are unappreciated and secondary to the feelings of adults, who are emotionally invested in the practice. "

A conspiracy of silence serves to suppress questioning. (An editorial in a Jewish newspaper claimed that circumcision 'is not subject to debate' [87].)

8) Extrait de :
An Epidemic of Circumcision
George Denniston, M.D.
Presented at The Third International Symposium on Circumcision,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
May 22-25, 1994.

Excuses for circumcision

The alleged medical reasons for circumcision are simply excuses - there are no valid medical reasons. The arguments for doing circumcisions have centered on alleged medical reasons.

most doctors actually tried to deny that circumcision hurt

Medical Motivations to Circumcise
Why do doctors mutilate the genital organs of infants they are supposed to be caring for? Clearly, money is involved. If two obstetricians deliver 700 babies each year and one of them circumcises all the males, he makes a cool $35,000 each year on this procedure alone.
Other doctors do it because they refuse to admit that a huge medical mistake has been made, and others do it out of ignorance, yet this does not explain everything. I know too many otherwise perfectly rational men and women doctors who are unable to be reasonable on this subject. I have seen a lot of bizarre occurrences surrounding this practice. I do not believe that doctors would be doing this unless there is something more, and I believe that something is denial.

This may be the motive of male genital mutilation. It has been called by some "prepuce envy." This may be the motive that has tended to perpetuate circumcision wherever it is found. Men who have had it done to them cannot face the fact that they must go through this life, their one and only life, sexually impaired. So to maintain the denial they insist that their sons be mutilated in the same way.

This tragic facet of human nature, this denial of the outrage perpetrated on an individual, perpetuates the process. This does not make it right. These concepts should help us better understand the father who insists that this traumatic, unnecessary procedure be performed on his son. They should also help us to understand why this practice has been going on for so long. Denial has begun to operate wherever circumcision has been introduced.

What are the consequences of this theory? Doctors who have been cut themselves may be unable to stop cutting others. If that is so, then all of us have a solemn responsibility to keep them from harming other people's children.

9) Extrait de :
Local:Innervation of human glans penis.htm
Innervation of the human glans penis.
J Urol 1999 Jan;161(1):97-102 Related Articles, Books, LinkOut
Yang CC, Bradley WE
Department of Urology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

"The dorsal nerves of the penis were anesthetized bilaterally with lidocaine. Electrophysiological testing was performed by stimulating the dorsal nerve of the penis at the penile base distal to the block and recording action potentials at the glans. RESULTS: Dorsal nerve of the penis block resulted in anesthesia of the dorsal, lateral and glanular aspects of the penis. The ventral surface, including the frenulum, was intact to pinprick sensation. Dorsal nerve of the penis stimulation resulted in responses from the corona, dorsal and ventral mid glans, and penile shaft. Frenular responses were less consistently obtained. The most common recorded pattern was a monophasic waveform representing the arrival of a standing potential at a nerve terminal. Latencies were progressively longer with increasing distance from the point of stimulation with the longest latencies measured at the frenulum. Amplitudes of the responses decreased with increasing distance from the point of stimulation.CONCLUSIONS: The dorsal nerve of the penis innervates the glans, including the frenulum which is also innervated by a branch of the perineal nerve. Branches of the dorsal nerve of the penis extend through the glans ventrolaterally. Electrical representation of glanular innervation reveals the glans to be filled with nerve endings supporting its function as a sensory structure."

10) Extrait de :
Why Most Circumcised Men Seem Satisfied
P.O. Box 232 . Boston, MA 02133 . Tel/Fax (617)523-0088 .

"Circumcised men do not know what they are missing. They believe that the sexual sensitivity they have without a foreskin is "normal." (Similarly, a woman born in Somalia who had been subjected to a severe form of female circumcision insisted that it had no impact. "It's the same thing. There is nothing different about my sexuality.") (1) According to one man who was circumcised as an adult, sex without a foreskin is like sight without color. Those who have not seen in color cannot appreciate what is lost."

"Those who have feelings about their circumcision are generally afraid to express them because their feelings may be dismissed or ridiculed. When asked why he had not revealed his circumcision feelings before, one man said, "I would be looked upon as strange or else people would toss it off lightly." Another said, "It's not something that anyone talks about. If it is talked about, it's in a snickering, comical way which I find disturbing. People laugh about it as if there is something funny going on."

11) Extrait de :
The prepuce: Specialized mucosa of the penis and its loss to circumcision
British Journal of Urology (1996), 77, 291-295
by J.R. Taylor, A.P. Lockwood and A.J. Taylor
Department of Pathology, Health Sciences Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

The current tendency to eliminate the prepuce from anatomy textbooks [1] reflects the popular emphasis on the glans; perhaps the wrinkling and pleating of the retracted prepuce, like unwanted hair, is an affront to good taste or simply superfluous to requirements

12) Extrait de :
Human Sexuality: an Encyclopedia
edited by Vern L. Bullough and Bonnie Bullough
New York: Garland Pub., 1994.
p. 119-122.

Noted Rabbi Moses Maimonides, in the Guide of the Perplexed, explains a rationale for circumcision that merits attention when circumcision is considered relative to human sexuality.
As regards circumcision... [s]ome people believe that circumcision is to remove a defect in man's formation; but every one can easily reply: How can products of nature be deficient so as to require external completion, especially as the use of the foreskin to that organ is evident. This commandment has not been enjoined as a complement to a deficient physical creation, but as a means for perfecting man's moral shortcomings. The bodily injury caused to that organ is exactly that which is desired; it does not interrupt any vital function, nor does it destroy the power of generation. Circumcision simply counteracts excessive lust; for there is no doubt that circumcision weakens the power of sexual excitement, and sometimes lessens the natural enjoyment; the organ necessarily becomes weak when it loses blood and is deprived of its covering from the beginning.

13) Extrait de :
A Proposed Relationship Between
Circumcision and Neural Reorganization.
JOURNAL of GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY, Volume 159, Number 3, Pages 367-378, September 1, 1998
A Proposed Relationship Between
Circumcision and Neural Reorganization.
Department of Psychiatry
Case Western Reserve University

We suggest that circumcision originated as a mechanism to lower, even if only slightly, sexual excitability/sexual distractions of young men. Because historical records will probably never be found and validated (circumcision was practiced in Pharaoh's Egypt and is thereby at least that ancient), the suggestion is not amenable to proof. Nonetheless, the argument is as follows.

     The energy and aggressiveness of young men are valued assets in a society. Dangers from the young men of other groups need to be prevented, or, if not preventable, then thwarted. Internal tasks, such as communal hunts, require the young men's coordinated activities. If distractions from these tasks are minimized - not eliminated, just minimized - then the efficiency of the coordinated task is improved.

   Sexual interest of young men in young women is a very real event. Sexual distraction and excitability for the individual man can certainly compete for his attention and focus. Circumcision could raise the threshold for sexual excitability and distraction. That is, circumcision would not eliminate the sex drive, it would just raise the threshold. (For the importance of "sensory" input to the brain from the man's genitalia for his effective sexual behavior, see Bemelmans et al., 1991; Gerstenberg, Nordling, Hald, & Wagner, 1989; Rowland, Leentvaar, Blom, & Slob, 1991; Xinet al., 1996.) That is, sexual behavior (of males) is not simply motor/reflex driven.

     Thus, the argument here is that circumcision is low-grade neurological castration. As a consequence of circumcision, the young men would be expected to be a ply more tractable and a ply less distractible. Fertility is not impaired. Aggressiveness is not impaired. The threshold for sexual excitability is simply raised.

14) Extrait de :
World-Renowned French Sexologist Censored over Anti-Circumcision Speech!
Dr. Zwang's reply to G.R.E.F 12 March 1997

Professor Madelenat.
My dear Colleague,

I apparently no longer exist, I never went to the Palais des Congres on 20 February 1996, I never gave a speech, and one cannot publish a presentation that I never gave.

My generation has already experienced the difficulties of legalizing contraception and the medicalization of abortion in spite of the French Episcopate and pressure from the Vatican. In our supposedly Christian county, it seems even more difficult to go up against the circumcisers' lobby united with the rabbinate and the imamate. They seem to hold the financial power in the two laboratories that sponsored your symposium, namely Schering and Theramex.

In order not to embarrass you further, I accept your decision, thanking once again Jean Cohen for his tolerance and courage.

Of course, as far as I am concerned, I will not stop there. I have resolved to denounce by every means in my possession this manifestation of militant religious obscurantism that revives the practice of anti-scientific censorship that I had thought died out in the Middle Ages.


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Frein du prepuce : Qui dit vrai? Le frein du prepuce et sa fonction.

Circoncision, frein du penis, frein du prepuce. Qui dit vrai?

Andrologue, neuro-andrologue, circoncision, frein du penis, frein du prepuce. Qui dit vrai?

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